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Friday, November 15, 2013


To All Food Lovers Like Me!!!

Beetroot Jam

Beetroot is a naturally sweet veggie which can be easily used for making jam stuff.

Let us see how to prepare it.


Beetroot - 3 Medium sized
Sugar - 1 cup (200 gm)

Preparation time: 30 mins


Peel the beetroot skin and pressure cook the beets to boil. You can boil either the whole beetroot or cut them into small pieces and then boil. Let it boil for 2 to 3 whistles in the cooker.

Once cooled, smash the beets in a mixie or chop them into fine pieces. I prefer smashing in a mixie.

Now, add the smashed beets and sugar in a pan and let it cook in medium flame for about 30 to 40 minutes. 
Frequently stir the mixture in the pan to avoid burning. The amount of sugar can be adjusted depending upon the likeness for sweet in the dish.

In around 40 minutes, the mixture gets the texture of jam. You can switch off the flame now.
Let it cool and it can be served along with bread or rotis.

The remaining can be refrigerated for future use.